United Hearts For Canada is a BrandsForCanada movement
reaching millions of Canadians.
Serving Canadians for 30 years donating new clothing, shoes, personal care, and household goods from over 200 leading brands.
We donate 42+ millions dollars every year.
BrandsForCanada is the most cost efficient charity in Canada.
For Every $1 received, BrandsForCanada gives $56 back in new goods to Canadian communities.
United Hearts For Canada
is LIVE across the country
United Hearts For Canada is now a national network of over 160 charity partners, 12OO schools, colleges universities and over 100 leading brands donating clothes & shoes, personal care products, and households goods. We can now pick up from retail or wholesale locations across the country and deliver donation directly to families in need.
Our Unites hearts program reach over 2 millions households. We are expanding our reach to every major community in Canada.
We currently have a community reach of over 3.2 millions Canadians
We are currently live in over 1200 schools and will soon be live in most school boards across Canada. We are also engaging colleges, and universities across the country.
We currently reach 550,000 students in Canada and will expect to reach over 2 million by 2021. Our united Hearts program also provides an emergency box for basic needs items such as personal care products, feminine products and clothing basics. We are currently live in 400 TDSB schools. We are expanding this program nationally.
We have engaged a national network of 160 charity partners to help distribute donations to students and Canadian families. Our partners cover every province and major city in Canada
We have over 100 leading retail brands that currently support United Hearts and Brands for Canada programs.